Saturday, December 11, 2010

Asha's 11month Milestone

Actually this is 11.5 months milestones. I'm such a lazybum.
Nevertheless it's better than nothing..

Coming to this age I find that her development is more on the cognitive side.
1. She can start listening to stories. But her concentration only lasts for a few short minutes. But if I stick to it I'm sure she'll slowly improve.

2. She is starting to imitate what people do around her. So this time round it's important to be cautious on what we do.

3. She is showing fascination on music and animals. Clapping hands is one of the things she loves most. Aside from my animal iphone application of course -__-

4. The only physical ability that I notice is she has started to pick up walking and lesser crawling. I think within a week or so she started to walk more day by day.

5. She started to understand the idea of sharing and giving things to people. Instead of snatching it from her we mostly ask nicely for her to give to us.

6. Since I already introduce her to all kinds of food earlier, now she eats almost anything. Her fave is my yogurt and yakult -__-

7. The understanding of what she can and should not do is getting stronger.

8. Her speech is so improving. Ayah and teteh stays spoken of. Now her favorite words are "ini siapa?, lagi apa?, cape, halo, dadahh". But no ibu yet T__T

I find that it is important to teach your eldest one the best things. Cos her siblings would mostly look up to her lesser to you as parents. I just feel somewhat sad as a mom, cos I play very little part in her development. I wasn't around most of the times. But hopefully Allah will help me guide her to be sholehah girl through good hands even though it's not mine.

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