Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Potty Training (again)

So I decided to at least try before the second child comes. Since now she's bigger, and understands things, and able to say "pipis" or "pupup" and she knows when I go to the toilet to do my business, I decided to try again.
Btw her milestone this month is she is fully weaned from bottle. First try, she did not even complain! hahahahahha. Lucky me! So no more bottles for her. I decided to change cos I notice she started biting off her teat. Means the hole is not big enough for her. So the spout would be just nice.

So back to potty training, I started again last week. I only put her diaper on when we go out and night time. At the beginning she still misses her pipis times. Shortly when she say pipis, that's when she starts to wet herself. Slowly she learn to hold it and say pipis before she goes. Now I've got another homework to do. She needs to learn to pull down her own pants when she wants to go and I need to provide a high enough stool for her to climb to the toilet. So she doesn't have to fetch an adult to help her up. It'll be useful when her sister arrives later on.

So it's true, when your kid is ready, it is easier to teach her. Compared to my frustration and extra effort that I put during my first try, this one is a breeze.
Sometimes when other kids have accomplished something and your kid hasn't, it's us parents who are worried. Should I start to teach her? Why she still couldn't do it? Etc etc. We often forget that each kid has their own pace, their own interests. We only guide, not force. It's easier to guide your kid into something that she has developed a liking to rather than forcing her to like something she never did.

She's not fully potty trained yet, but I am thankful for this progress. I don't dare to boast, cos everytime I boast to people, something happens. Screw this, no one needs to know :D

Shortly after this, she was fully potty trained. No diapers at night, or on the go. There were and still are accidents at times, but they are negligible. Now I only need to buy diaper for the lil one!!