Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pem-Pem Review

Review perdana clodi nih!! :D.

Saya pilih review perdananya pempem soalnya so far plg murah dan memuaskan.

Gambar diambil dr website just for the sake of illustration. Abis males moto pny sendiri :P

Yang saya beli motifnya ada beberapa, dan motif cuma ada di bagian ban pinggang saja seperti gambar diatas. Sejauh yg saya tau sih pempem pake sistem velcro dan so far saya tidak mengalami masalah dengan velcro. Mungkin jg krn selalu pake clana lg ya abis pake clodi.

Fitur pempem yg saya suka:
- cuttingnya pas buat paha gembil. It fits just nice
- buat saya velcro justru lbh gampang masangnya..terutama buat bayi2 aktif
- karet di paha tidak terlalu ketat jd tidak membekas.
- cutting gede cocok buat big babies
- jaitan rapi
- material standar seperti clodi lokal lainnya. Tp mnrt saya lapisan lilin di tmpt buat masukin insert ga sekeset merk lain. Jd malah lbh enak menginsertnya.
- cukup tipis jd cepat kering.
- harga terjangkau! Sama insert cm Rp.70,000 klo ga salah
- masalah insert microfiber jarang dipake sih jd gatau bener ga ya lbh nyerep dan tahan lama.

Fitur yang agak kurang pas di hati:
- warna pelapis outerwearnya putih smua jd klo kena pup harus lgsg direndem biar ga meninggalkan noda
- stok suka cepet abis hihihi...

Itu doang kayanya.

Kesimpulan akhir: layak dicoba terutama karena murah dan klo bayinya gede

Selamat mencoba!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

G-elite Nana Lite Stroller Review

I bought this Stroller quite some time ago. But I kept on forgetting to write its review.

This is actually a travelling stroller. You can fold it and wear it as backpacks as well.

So it's actually very compact lightweight perfect stroller to travel.
Here are a few of its advantages
- weight: I estimate ard 1kg. It is a very light and easy to carry stroller.
- can hold up to 15kg child
- can be used to carry your child behind like a backpack.
- space saver
- middle price range around SGD150

Some of its disadvantages are:
- a bit difficult to maneuver with one hand.
- Not very terrain proof (as in only good in flat surface). If you use it in bumpy surface you need to watch it or the wheels will get stuck.
- Your child can only sit up, so in case she wants to sleep you need to carry an extra carrier to put her.
- You can't hang heavy stuff on the stroller as the frame is very light and maybe more frail.

Aside from those minuses I still focus on the pluses. Yes maybe it is still better off with an umbrella stroller where you can leave your kid to sleep on the stroller. But I find this is one good option mostly because she can enjoy the view easily and it is very light to carry.

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from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beach Trip

This is a little bit late.. We went to the beach I think on Mid oct. At first I didn't really prepare her to go sand bathing. But it was too tempting for me to put her down!! So I made her stand on the sand.. She was okay, I tried to make her sit she refuses. This was where she started to moonwalk with me.. After a few steps on the sand she became more confident and eventually, she satdown and play sand!!

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