Sunday, October 31, 2010

Asha 10mo Milestones

Oh forgive me for being such a lazy mom!!!!

I haven't updated her milestones in like... 3months!!! So I guess I must do a bit of recap here.

In her 10th months, she has:

1. Eaten grains of rice. People, not ground, not mashed. Grains! Hahahaaha
2. Has grown 2 teeth I think. I front teeth, 1 canine teeth. Sounds so blood sucking to me haha.
3. Started to climb up, opening cabinets, drawers etc
4. Grown a new hobby. Messing up things! Taking things out of its container is a must for her!
5. Learned to "moonwalk". This one is very recent. 1 week ago I took her to the beach, how she had fun there. She ate sand for God's sake... she must be REALLY happy. haha. Anyway, before this trip she was still scared to take a step even though we hold on to her. That day on the beach, I encouraged her to take her first steps and she is addicted to it. After that day she is not afraid to take her step anymore wherever she is....
6. (still) little hair.
7. She can recognize people that looks like her daddy, such as, the fat controller in thomas, and the pirate guy in spongebob... :D
8. My name still isn't in her dictionary.
9. She is more attentive now. A few months ago, when I gave her Iphone with games she would immediately eat it. At least now, she will watch me play games for a while even though in the end she still eats it.
10. She recognizes songs...

I know, I know, I'll do another update next month. DO remind me okay? *telling it to myself*

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baby and Food...

To tell you frankly, I don't really plan my baby's meals. In fact, I only planned for the first month, of course on trial and error basis. The first month was tough, as she was my first and I don't know what to expect. I did not know how watery it should be, or how solid. It ended up with a few sessions of constipations.. Until she was 8 months old. But this, I suspect also due to her digestive system adjusting to the new food. Because I asked around, and some of my friends also experienced the same problem.

At the beginning, I gave mostly pureed fruits or veggies. Then I moved to baby cereals and porridges. At the beginning, it was very watery food. After 2 weeks I decided to solidify a bit, and that is when the constipation started. So I desolidify again, but her passing is still not daily routine. I even experience some constipations. I think I struggled on the constipation for nearly 2 months without knowing why. 

Maybe my first mistake was, I gave her too solid too soon or maybe it was the wrong brand of formula. When she was 8months old, I went back to Indonesia. I gave her anything I ate. Plain ones of course. I mashed the rice, mashed the veggies everything using the coarse based container and it did the trick. When I was there, she passed motion very regularly. Never missed a day :D. As I went back to Singapore, she caught diarrhea, and she had to change to soy based milk, and so I did. Because I bought 1 tin, I decided to finish up. We noticed that her motions are normal and daily. Then we realized, it's the formula. I never really thought it was it. Because previously, even though I'm home and she's fully breastfed, she did not pass motion either. So I thought that formula was not the sole culprit.  Then we tried mixing the cow based and soy based and guess what? She still reacts better to the soy based milk. My maid says that after drinking the cow based milk, she always refused to drink plain water. Her motion is also not as soft as usual. So there you go, we found the culprit *sheesh...

So I guess maybe by the time she's 9 months old, her digestion system is getting much better. Plus she's not taking anymore cow based formula. Now she eats whatever I eat... Rice, chicken, tender meat, prawns, eggs, tofu, tempe. It makes my life so much easier.

In conclusion, I know that we don't want to do trial and error on our kid. We all want the best for them. But surely, they know themselves better, so trial and error is unavoidable. Don't be scared to try moms, you never know how they will react until you try... Try just a small bit at first time then see how it goes. :D