Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rana 3 Months, Asha 38 Months


She has become such an adorable little baby. We went for her PCV and rotavirus vaccines on Saturday. Weigh her she was about 60cm and 7kg. SEVEN KILOGRAMS!!
In the past two months she only pass motion every week! I was a bit worried at the beginning but everyone says it's normal for breastfed babies. Most probably they absorbed everything. Even her pd said, "As long as it's not hard, she's not straining, it should be fine. She probably absorbed everything cos she has been growing very well." Starting this week she has started to pass motion more regularly. Every day or so. InsyaAllah it will continue to be so.

She has lifted her neck more often. Prefers upright position when being carried and half sitting down when she's on her back. She is very fond on strangers, has a very cheeky smile. People say she looks like Bram, but her eyes are shaped like mine. Her lips looks like my eyang putri.

She adores her big sister. Loves her company. And even though I know at her age there should be NO TV but sometimes when I put her on the living room and her sis is watching TV I just couldn't help it. She loves company, if you sit next to her she'll just lay quietly. When she's left alone she'd call for people. She loves travelling, and I mean walk around. She is in that stage where she is starting to enjoy scenery. She always looks at everything with such fascinated eyes.

Compared to Asha, she had more trouble adjusting to the bottle and less patience for slow milk flow. Now it's much better.


She is a very good big sister. Her jealousy and rivalry was worst at the first 2 months. After that she is adapting to the fact that she has a new baby in the house. Plus now there are 3 adults in the house so she could choose with whom she wants to play with. She got used to baby latching on to me and that I need to finish feeding her before I could entertain her. I try my best to provide extra time for her as well. Either for playing, walking about, go to the supermarket, just the two of us or her and the daddy.

Her speech and vocab have been growing fast. Now she goes to Zulfa nursery. So now she knows the doa before makan, before sleep, and some simple doas. Now she can draw stick man! Hahahahaha. She drew the whole family as stick people. Her cartoon fave has changed a bit, now she's into cartoon network. Geez. She loves going to the playground and play with other kids.

After she hits 3 yo, her appetite is better, her understanding is better too. Now it's easier to reason with her over things, to get her up for school and to take showers. We still have fights and bad screaming annoying days but it wasn't as bad as before she turned 3. Before this, she had 5 bad days out of 7. Now maybe 2 bad days out of 7. Her junkfood phase is slowly lessening.

I think that's about it for now. I'll post again whenever I remember to post. CIao