I'm still learning to cope up. My main problem with the tweensie is breastfeeding, my main problem with the bigsie is tantrum problem.
First Week.
I thought the second time breastfeeding I've gotten the hang of it. It turns out.. NO! I still got to suffer from poor latch on, cracked nipples, etc. First week was spent with me struggling to overcome that problem. Milk supply was no problem, it was better compared to last time but because of poor latch on I was engorged. Then I went to lactation consultant who taught me to latch on properly and helped me rid of my lumps. Within one week my nipple is healing and my milk flow is better.
My second problem on this week was, at day 6 Rana's jaundice level was 223mmol/L. Normal supposed to be around 103. The doctor did not send for phototherapy because the level had not exceeded 300 yet.