Sunday, June 2, 2013


MPASI Rana udah masuk ke minggu kesekian nih kayanya. Sejauh ini udah dikenalkan sama apel, pear, pisang, labu, alpukat, wortel, prune, dan nasi diblender. Anak kedua emang gak terlalu memusingkan banyak hal. Gak yang pake menu per hari gitu. Paling klo mau nyoba yang baru tinggal ke supermarket beli trus diblender pake hand blender. Nasi aja ya, saya ambil nasi dari rice cooker trus diblender pake hand blender :D.

Ga mau repot dan pusing. Karena yang kasih makan pembantu, dan kebetulan freezer penuh daging-dagingan dan susu perah, jadi saya stok makanan di cubes yang saya simpan di kompartemen kulkas paling atas. Gak banyak-banyak tentunya, paling stok makan 3-4 hari saja. Makannya kan masih sedikit

Masalah pup nih ya sekarang, sejauh ini karena makanan masih encer jadi pup masih lancar. Kalo udah 2 hari gak pup dikasih lactus untuk menghindari sembelit yang menyengsarakan bayi.

Mulai minggu ini mau mencoba pepaya, timun jepang (zuccini). Sementara sampe akhir bulan ke 7 mungkin masih encer banget. Di bulan ke 8 mau coba diblender tp agak kental sedikit. Bertahap deh. Finger food udah mulai juga, pake baby bites. Dulu Asha finger food nya apaan ya lupa. Kynya buah kukus sama brokoli rebus deh. Ntar mungkin ya bulan ke 8 gitu dicobain.

Semoga kali ini anaknya gak perlu ngalamin kaya Asha dulu sembelit mulu.

4 Weeks Full of Virus

After my husband came back, suddenly it's one virus attack after another. I meant the kids. The next week after he came back, Asha was hit with very high fever for 2 days. Doc said it was stomach flu virus, been viral for some time. Shortly after that she was coughing with some runny nose, and in a few days she was speaking hoarsely. Recovered from stomach flu within 4 days, and maybe one week to return to her original voice.

In the meantime the sister caught the flu as well and had blocked nose. Just after I thought Asha's flu was recovering, she got another fever with runny nose and some coughs. Lasted 3 days, then still continued coughing and runny nose for a week. Now at the end of the week her nose is still running but no more midnight coughs.

When I thought it was over the sister who just recovered from blocked nose suddenly is having a fever. With coughs, and runny nose. I felt so tired from all these viruses attack. Hopefully this school holiday is a great time to heal themselves and strengthen their immunity systems. Cos really I am tired of running to see doc almost every week and I am tired due to sleeplessness.

Get well soon kids!