Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Asha 6 YO, Rana 3YO

Time just flies so fast.

Asha will be entering P1 in just a few days, and Rana will be going to Zulfa for Nursery.

I'm more concerned with Asha going to a new school. Frankly, I am a bit nervous myself. This could be a different life for us. I need to be more focused with her studies. FYI, I am a LAZY mom. I'm no ambitious tiger mom. Realizing that P1 is the start to studying just stresses me out. I don't want to be a kiasu parent. But I don't want her to fail too. 

She needs to make new friends all over again, start in a much bigger school, I'm so worried whether she can buy her own food (she should, because nowadays I ask her to pay her own stuff). I just pray she'll like it and she can adapt nicely. 

Rana on the other hand is going to school with auntie school bus whom she already knows.. Has friends whom she already knows. So it should be easier for her right? :D. I want to be there to send them all off on their first day of school and I'm squeezing my brain in how do I do it. 

So anyway.. 


1. Really into drawing
2. Really into minecraft
3. Milk teeth still intact, wonder when it'll start to fall off
4. Still cranky and annoying when sleepy
5. Survived Starwars movie in the cinema 
6. Bathe by herself most of the time, eats by herself most of the time 
7. Her eczema comes and goes but it's there most of the time and aggravated by wrong soap and hot weather. Now I'm only using Fix it balm and coconut oil. I do use steroid sometimes, but I realized that it will always come back and it will only get bigger. Unless she has an infection I avoid its usage.
8. She's now attending art class, mandarin class (private), swimming class. All by her own request. 

1. Potty Trained (I'll post details on this in a separate post)
2. Needs to cut her hair
3. More singlish than Asha, better Indonesian spoken
4. Happy singing dancing toddler

My reminder. 
DO limit their ipad hours  slowly. They are quite balanced but just in case.
Asha is entering her 7th year. I have trained her slowly to pray Maghrib, but I need to prepare her for other times as well. My homework is how to make her understand that this is obligatory. I hope madrasah teaches the importance.