Come to think of it, the last time I blogged was..... 8months ago???
My girl has grown so much within 8months! She adores Pocoyo, and I noticed that she's starting to like the Disney Princesses. She loves gadgets. Iphones, laptops are always the perfect remedies for her fussiness. BUT, I don't like it. Once in a while is fine, too much is like gadget overdose. NOT GOOD. So now I'm trying my best to limit her (and my) gadget time. Our gadget days are Saturdays and Sundays. She can watch youtube until she's sick of it on weekends XD.
We spent almost the whole year without Ayah. The beginning of the year he was posted in Batam and we only meet every weekend. Then after that until end of the year he is posted in Jakarta and we only meet every two weeks. Sad in a way, but we need to adjust to that kind of life. I still need to go to work and after awhile I got used to it. I got used to doing groceries shopping alone, handle everything myself, and go out with a friend once in a while. So she spent almost all her second year with very few presence of Ayah.
I'm trying to wean her off, sometimes it works, sometimes I just lost patience and do it the fast way (offer the breast). But I guess need to be consistent soon enough. Next year I'm planning to start on her potty training. Bismillah. With or without Ayah, we'll do it. Her speech is still vague, blurred and not articulated yet. We're still trying to work on it but some words she just still couldn't articulate. I guess we just need to be patient and keep on trying.
As she gets bigger, she understands things more, I can reason my way with her. Rather than forcing her to let go of things or take things away I choose to reason it out. It DOES take A LOT of patience. But I find it easier on the long run.
She's a very "clean" person. She doesn't like dirtiness or a mess (which is good). So far she eats almost anything, grows most of her teeth and she's about 83cm tall and weighs 12kg. She has finished all her vaccinations, spent this year with very minimum flu and sickness and grows up healthy. She knows when to give a proper hug and kiss. She's adorable especially when she sleeps. I couldn't wait until she grows up and we can talk about things. But for now, I'm enjoying my part of monologue, cause later on, she'll monopolize the conversation.
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