Saturday, March 30, 2013

Aura 4 months old

She turned 4 months this 18 March. Her milestones are:
- she sleeps lesser now. Maybe about 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. Then after afternoon bath she'd sleep until about 8pm then I feed her again. And most of the time she'd sleep all thru until 5/6 am.
- she drinks slightly more. I think still lesser compared to Asha at this age but she's growing well so far.
- she still only poop once evry week. I am so worried when she starts on solid what will happen *sigh*
- she's more alert now. Recognizes people, know how to look for attention.
- she seems to have started teething. Because she's "gnawing" on my nipple and she starts to bite things.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Nugget Ayam

Sebenernya resep ini nyontek dari blognya Anthie di link ini. Tapi dimodif dikit biar sesuai tingkat kemalasan dan selera.

100 gr oatmeal instan (yang merah)
100 gr ayam giling ato ayam fillet dicincang kecil
1 buah wortel serut halus

1 telur
50 gr Keju parut 


1 telur campur garam sesuai selera
Bread crumb buat coating

Cara membuat:
1. Campur semua bahan aduk pakai tangan sampai tercampur semua 
2. Letakkan di container kotak lalu kukus sekitar 15-20menit.
3. Setelah dikukus boleh dicetak pakai cookie cutter atau dipotong kotak sesuai selera. Ketebalan juga diatur sesuai selera. Kalau aku bikinnya gak terlalu tebal soalnya anaknya ga suka yang tebel.
4. Siapkan coating. Balurkan bahan yang udah dikukus di telur kemudian dibalurkan di bread crumbs. Kalau aku senengnya setelah dibalur bread crumbs dimasukkan ke dalam ziploc berisi bread crumbs juga terus shake biar pelapisnya menempel lebih merata.
5. Simpan di freezer beberapa jam sebelum digoreng. Kalau aku biasanya bikin weekend terus baru digoreng sehari setelah ato beberapa hari kemudian.

Gampang banget dan lebih sehat! Aku tergolong orang pemalas tapi sempat bikin jadi dijamin deh semua juga bisa hahaha.