Saturday, December 11, 2010

Asha's 11month Milestone

Actually this is 11.5 months milestones. I'm such a lazybum.
Nevertheless it's better than nothing..

Coming to this age I find that her development is more on the cognitive side.
1. She can start listening to stories. But her concentration only lasts for a few short minutes. But if I stick to it I'm sure she'll slowly improve.

2. She is starting to imitate what people do around her. So this time round it's important to be cautious on what we do.

3. She is showing fascination on music and animals. Clapping hands is one of the things she loves most. Aside from my animal iphone application of course -__-

4. The only physical ability that I notice is she has started to pick up walking and lesser crawling. I think within a week or so she started to walk more day by day.

5. She started to understand the idea of sharing and giving things to people. Instead of snatching it from her we mostly ask nicely for her to give to us.

6. Since I already introduce her to all kinds of food earlier, now she eats almost anything. Her fave is my yogurt and yakult -__-

7. The understanding of what she can and should not do is getting stronger.

8. Her speech is so improving. Ayah and teteh stays spoken of. Now her favorite words are "ini siapa?, lagi apa?, cape, halo, dadahh". But no ibu yet T__T

I find that it is important to teach your eldest one the best things. Cos her siblings would mostly look up to her lesser to you as parents. I just feel somewhat sad as a mom, cos I play very little part in her development. I wasn't around most of the times. But hopefully Allah will help me guide her to be sholehah girl through good hands even though it's not mine.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pem-Pem Review

Review perdana clodi nih!! :D.

Saya pilih review perdananya pempem soalnya so far plg murah dan memuaskan.

Gambar diambil dr website just for the sake of illustration. Abis males moto pny sendiri :P

Yang saya beli motifnya ada beberapa, dan motif cuma ada di bagian ban pinggang saja seperti gambar diatas. Sejauh yg saya tau sih pempem pake sistem velcro dan so far saya tidak mengalami masalah dengan velcro. Mungkin jg krn selalu pake clana lg ya abis pake clodi.

Fitur pempem yg saya suka:
- cuttingnya pas buat paha gembil. It fits just nice
- buat saya velcro justru lbh gampang masangnya..terutama buat bayi2 aktif
- karet di paha tidak terlalu ketat jd tidak membekas.
- cutting gede cocok buat big babies
- jaitan rapi
- material standar seperti clodi lokal lainnya. Tp mnrt saya lapisan lilin di tmpt buat masukin insert ga sekeset merk lain. Jd malah lbh enak menginsertnya.
- cukup tipis jd cepat kering.
- harga terjangkau! Sama insert cm Rp.70,000 klo ga salah
- masalah insert microfiber jarang dipake sih jd gatau bener ga ya lbh nyerep dan tahan lama.

Fitur yang agak kurang pas di hati:
- warna pelapis outerwearnya putih smua jd klo kena pup harus lgsg direndem biar ga meninggalkan noda
- stok suka cepet abis hihihi...

Itu doang kayanya.

Kesimpulan akhir: layak dicoba terutama karena murah dan klo bayinya gede

Selamat mencoba!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

G-elite Nana Lite Stroller Review

I bought this Stroller quite some time ago. But I kept on forgetting to write its review.

This is actually a travelling stroller. You can fold it and wear it as backpacks as well.

So it's actually very compact lightweight perfect stroller to travel.
Here are a few of its advantages
- weight: I estimate ard 1kg. It is a very light and easy to carry stroller.
- can hold up to 15kg child
- can be used to carry your child behind like a backpack.
- space saver
- middle price range around SGD150

Some of its disadvantages are:
- a bit difficult to maneuver with one hand.
- Not very terrain proof (as in only good in flat surface). If you use it in bumpy surface you need to watch it or the wheels will get stuck.
- Your child can only sit up, so in case she wants to sleep you need to carry an extra carrier to put her.
- You can't hang heavy stuff on the stroller as the frame is very light and maybe more frail.

Aside from those minuses I still focus on the pluses. Yes maybe it is still better off with an umbrella stroller where you can leave your kid to sleep on the stroller. But I find this is one good option mostly because she can enjoy the view easily and it is very light to carry.

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from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beach Trip

This is a little bit late.. We went to the beach I think on Mid oct. At first I didn't really prepare her to go sand bathing. But it was too tempting for me to put her down!! So I made her stand on the sand.. She was okay, I tried to make her sit she refuses. This was where she started to moonwalk with me.. After a few steps on the sand she became more confident and eventually, she satdown and play sand!!

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Asha 10mo Milestones

Oh forgive me for being such a lazy mom!!!!

I haven't updated her milestones in like... 3months!!! So I guess I must do a bit of recap here.

In her 10th months, she has:

1. Eaten grains of rice. People, not ground, not mashed. Grains! Hahahaaha
2. Has grown 2 teeth I think. I front teeth, 1 canine teeth. Sounds so blood sucking to me haha.
3. Started to climb up, opening cabinets, drawers etc
4. Grown a new hobby. Messing up things! Taking things out of its container is a must for her!
5. Learned to "moonwalk". This one is very recent. 1 week ago I took her to the beach, how she had fun there. She ate sand for God's sake... she must be REALLY happy. haha. Anyway, before this trip she was still scared to take a step even though we hold on to her. That day on the beach, I encouraged her to take her first steps and she is addicted to it. After that day she is not afraid to take her step anymore wherever she is....
6. (still) little hair.
7. She can recognize people that looks like her daddy, such as, the fat controller in thomas, and the pirate guy in spongebob... :D
8. My name still isn't in her dictionary.
9. She is more attentive now. A few months ago, when I gave her Iphone with games she would immediately eat it. At least now, she will watch me play games for a while even though in the end she still eats it.
10. She recognizes songs...

I know, I know, I'll do another update next month. DO remind me okay? *telling it to myself*

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baby and Food...

To tell you frankly, I don't really plan my baby's meals. In fact, I only planned for the first month, of course on trial and error basis. The first month was tough, as she was my first and I don't know what to expect. I did not know how watery it should be, or how solid. It ended up with a few sessions of constipations.. Until she was 8 months old. But this, I suspect also due to her digestive system adjusting to the new food. Because I asked around, and some of my friends also experienced the same problem.

At the beginning, I gave mostly pureed fruits or veggies. Then I moved to baby cereals and porridges. At the beginning, it was very watery food. After 2 weeks I decided to solidify a bit, and that is when the constipation started. So I desolidify again, but her passing is still not daily routine. I even experience some constipations. I think I struggled on the constipation for nearly 2 months without knowing why. 

Maybe my first mistake was, I gave her too solid too soon or maybe it was the wrong brand of formula. When she was 8months old, I went back to Indonesia. I gave her anything I ate. Plain ones of course. I mashed the rice, mashed the veggies everything using the coarse based container and it did the trick. When I was there, she passed motion very regularly. Never missed a day :D. As I went back to Singapore, she caught diarrhea, and she had to change to soy based milk, and so I did. Because I bought 1 tin, I decided to finish up. We noticed that her motions are normal and daily. Then we realized, it's the formula. I never really thought it was it. Because previously, even though I'm home and she's fully breastfed, she did not pass motion either. So I thought that formula was not the sole culprit.  Then we tried mixing the cow based and soy based and guess what? She still reacts better to the soy based milk. My maid says that after drinking the cow based milk, she always refused to drink plain water. Her motion is also not as soft as usual. So there you go, we found the culprit *sheesh...

So I guess maybe by the time she's 9 months old, her digestion system is getting much better. Plus she's not taking anymore cow based formula. Now she eats whatever I eat... Rice, chicken, tender meat, prawns, eggs, tofu, tempe. It makes my life so much easier.

In conclusion, I know that we don't want to do trial and error on our kid. We all want the best for them. But surely, they know themselves better, so trial and error is unavoidable. Don't be scared to try moms, you never know how they will react until you try... Try just a small bit at first time then see how it goes. :D

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Asha 7mo Milestones

She has started to crawl. At first it was just on 2 legs and hands. Then started moving her body back and forth.
The next week...
She learned to sit up by herself. From crawling position, to sitting position. At first it was only a few successful attempts
The next week...
She started to really crawl, At first a few steps, a few days later more steps. A few days later, more steps, more variations, sitting, crawling, sitting, rocking back and forth

Babies are such wonderful creatures. Some things they learned and developed by themselves as second nature. We as parents are obligated to lead them thru the safe and correct way.

She can say yayayyayayah, bubububuubuub, and teteeteteteteteh. Hahahaha.

Now she is on her way to start climbing and opening cabinets! How we all must be extra careful :D

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Asha has just passed her 7month birthmonth. Here is a recap of what happened during the first month of solids.

At the beginning, I fed her with instant cereals, very watery for 3 days then moved on to veggies and fruits. When we saw she was very eager to eat we decided to try everything on her. On the second week, I tried introducing rice, not the rice flour but porridge then blend with blender.

Maybe we fed her too much, maybe she did not have enough water intake, she was constipated for 4days. On the 5th day, she began straining when she passed motion. It was like goat's shit. You know, small round round shit. Strained so hard came out only a bit like that. My maid noticed some streak of blood when she wiped the anus. I was afraid maybe there was some tear and could cause infection I took her to the doctor and she gave her stool softener. This constipation lasted for 2-3 days. Seeing a baby so small straining to pass motion is really saddening. She kept crying at night perhaps because of uncomfortable stomach. I know how it feels to be constipated and I can not bear seeing her constipated as well :(

During the constipation period I fed her with papaya only. To help loosen up the stool as well. On the 4th day she could pass motion as usual.

Past 1 week since this incident she did not pass motion again for 2 days, on the second day I panicked, so I went to the pharmacy and bought the suppository for kids. On the 3rd day, I administered it because she still hasn't passed motion yet. It was very difficult to put it in and I did not dare put my finger in cause it kept on slipping out.

After this incident I browsed and found this, Where they explain how to administer this suppository haahahhaha.

Anyway... it turns out the suppository slipped out anyhow, but the poking did help to open the anus. Not long after that, she started to strain a bit and she passed motion Alhamdulillah, quite a lot, not hard, smells normal, looks normal.

Based on my experience, what you need to do to avoid this constipation for infant just started on solid is:
1. Make sure your kid drinks at least 1 bottle of extra fluid (other than her usual milk).
2. Rice is a potential food that can cause constipation other than banana. If you want, you can mix rice with oatmeal (this provided you have tried the single ingredient first for each) to provide the extra fiber.
3. If she is still constipated, you can go to the doctor and ask for stool softener or the suppository. I find the suppository helps to open the anus but I find it too big to go in for such a small infant. But I think using it to poke can help too.

I am calling home everyday just to ask, has she shit yet? hahahahaha

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Asha 5 months

Now Asha is 5months counting days to 6 months. Her milestone so far is, she has started to turn at the beginning of 5months, but I gotta say, she doesn't look so eager to turn hahaha. So she only turns once in a while.. She talks more often now, even tho she looks like she is on the quiet side. She is grabbing things, really likes to hit things with her palm and making sounds.

More importantly, she is starting to show signs that she is ready to eat. E.g she has sit up straight, still wobbly, but straight, and managed to stay in the position for quite some time. She looks eager whenever she saw us eating. Some people have asked why in such an age she hasn't been given food yet. I've done my homework browsing on the net. I concluded that 6months is the perfect time to start, not too late, not too soon. Too soon might cause the child to hate food itself, and making it difficult for us parents to adjust them to food. Too late also might cause the child to be lacking of nutrition. Because at this age, the nutrition in my breastmilk is getting lesser and lesser.

I am looking forward to next week when we are introducing food for the first time. A bit nervous, but bear a positive thinking always. I really don't expect her to like it right away, or likes anything i give her. I'll just do and see how it goes and keep on adapting.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Beginning

It's a bit late maybe to start a blog *not THAT late* concerning Asha's development... She is *just only* 5months old haha! But I really think I still wanted to remember those itsy bitsy moments for the past five months. So I guess *abit* late is better than never true??