Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby's Independence? (old post)

After looking at some of my friends' blog. I decided to try. Yup, I tried to let her fall asleep by herself. To train her so called sense of confidence and independence early.

So far I know she can fall asleep by herself during daytime, or when she's super tired. But not when i'm around. Them babies are veeery smart. Even though i'm so far away she still wails away.

So anyway, I did try on one fine night. I let her wail for like.. 15mins and I thought this will never end.. So I nursed her to sleep. I browsed around and found some pros and cons. Well everything always has two sides.

But for my own personal opinion, I don't mind nursing her to sleep until she learns how to sleep by herself. No matter what people say, for her own good, to teach them independency, etc etc. Please lah, she's like still 11months plus and you want to teach them about independence?

I personally believe this is the time where they need their parents the most. The time when they learn to trust other people. Even though the western way to do it is teach them independence from young, I disagree.

I'm a working mother. It is hard for me already to leave her alone and not be there with her during her daily and important times. One of my private moments with her is the nursing times. My bonding time, and the times when I actually do my job as a mother.

So after I thought about it, I decided to teach her that independence lesson when she is older. For now, I am enjoying my mothering and nursing times.

You know what, after approximately 2 years old, more or less, she's fully weaned and fell asleep by herself. I started slowly since she was 1.5yrs old. I did the right thing by waiting until the time is right :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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